Here are a few things anyone can understand:
Horizontal movement along Earth's surface is directly affected by the energy expended. It's one example of the principle of Conservation of Energy Attach a small crossbow to the roof of your van, pointing sideways. Paint a line (your firing line)across the deck of the Royal Gorge Bridge. Get some arrows of different colors. Drive across the bridge at 20MPH and fire an arrow when you reach the firing line. Then repeat at 30MPH. Then at 40MPH.
The arrows will land on a line parallel to the direction the van was moving, and spaced out based on the forward speed of the van.
All earthly movement must be bought and paid for with earthly energy.
Different rules apply to team players in our solar system, namely the planets. Earthly motion is finite, and the energy bill for any movement can be precisely tallied. On the other hand, planetary motions do not follow any similar rule of Conservation of Energy.
It is impossible for us to build a true-to-life working model of our solar system here in earth. And it seems nearly impossible for many to appreciate the distinction between rules of motion in different worlds-- or dimensions. But it is simple, plain , elementary & obvious. Planetary motions do not represent the expenditure of energy. Created as spinning, orbiting satellites of the Sun, Earth and her sister planets know no other way of life. Inside the gravitational field of a planet, an object has an assigned place, a state of rest which serves as the benchmark for any subsequent movement. But the gravitational field itself, the planet, has no comparable assigned place or state of (Earthlike) rest.
The 'state of rest' of Earth is a state of daily rotation. The assigned place of Earth is her assigned place along the assigned path of her annual orbit of the Sun, and at her assigned velocity. At any given moment in time, past, present and future, Earth's role calls for her to be proceeding in a precise direction along a precise orbital path at a precise forward velocity-- while rotating in a precise direction and at a precise velocity. That's Earth's norm. It's as basic to Earth's makeup as DNA is to a human.
Wave, thunder, wind and explosion are words which inherently involve motion. 'Earth' similarly includes an inherent property of motion. The distinction is that EARTH'S MOTIONS DON'T REPRESENT EXPENDITURE OF ENERGY.
Our solar system is a huge symphony, with all the parts scripted, timed & harmonized. To play its particular part does not represent an acceleration for any respective planet. The only ACCELERATION for a planet would be if it broke stride, played off key, lost rhythm (ceased rotating and orbiting on schedule).
Therefore all Earthly cars, boats, airplanes and racehorses share a common nature:
the baseline for any and all movement by them is the assigned planetary motion of mother Earth (rotating 360 degrees per day, orbiting the Sun once a year).
Why not the Truth? Why indeed?
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