Big Blow Torch

The sun
is like
a big
blow torch
aimed at
The 'space speed' of a given Earthly geographical point has NO PHYSICAL IMPORT, in and of itself. But since the energy which radiates out from the Sun is the major factor in the behavior of Earth's atmosphere, and since Earth rotates relative to the Sun, that rotation has definite (but complex) physical ramifications as far as Earth's weather.
Space is very cold. Sun is very hot. If you turned the Sun out, Earth would quickly become a big round rotating ice cube, with no wind, no rain, no tornados, no hurricanes, no ocean waves or currents. The Sun is like a big blow torch aimed at a Earth's Equator, and making one full circle per day. Which plays hell with our atmosphere.
Stand on the shoulder beside your local interstate highway. When a big truck goes
roaring by, the wind gusts will blow you off your feet. That's pretty similar to the effect the radiant heat from the Sun has on an otherwise still and ice-cold Earth.
All of those phenomena attributed to the 'Coriolis Weather Effect' are actually just roadside wind gusts from that big truck we call our Sun, as it goes roaring around Earth every day, headed West.
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