Come and Let Us Reason Together

He enforces our House Rules,
including this one borrowed from
Walt Whitman:
"Re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul".
If this simple rule of intellectual integrity had been applied, Coriolis would have never gotten his silly hypothesis off the ground.
From the beginning of science, the thinking on Earth's continually changing relationship to other heavenly bodies, particularly our Sun, had always gone like this:
1) Either the sun circles around earth or vice versa, & since
2) ALL forensic (terrestrial) evidence says that Earth is stationary:
3) Ergo: the logical conclusion is that the Sun moves around a stationary Earth.
But eventually Copernicus and Galileo came along and discovered hard astronomical evidence that this conclusion was false. Earth is actually a multi-tasking (orbiting / rotating) player in a heliocentric system. After these discoveries, the next logical question ought to have been:
Why, then, does Earth not reveal forensic evidence of her rotating / orbitting behavior? *
But people who should have known better ignored this question. There was (and still is) a world-wide breakdown in post-Galileo thinking. Mass hysteria. Mob mentality. Sheep mentality. They "reasoned" that since the earlier conclusion was false, then their basis (no forensic evidence of Earth as moving platform) was also false. The new rationale went like this:
1) Since earth moves around a stationary sun,
2) There MUST be forensic/ terrestrial/ local evidence accordingly.
That forensic evidence became a Holy Grail for scientists everywhere, and they threw themselves into the Quest with body, mind and soul. They were absolutely convinced of the existence of their evidence / Holy Grail. They BELIEVED it into reality. Which was a cardinal sin of science. Which has infested the body of knowledge we call Physics down to this day.
Which could all have been prevented had cooler heads entered the fray. Where were they? Where have they been for 150 years?? AWOL, that's where. There has been just as much confusion AFTER Galileo as before. At least there was some passable LOGIC behind the pre-Copernicus theory. But the same can't be said for the Post-Galileo period. After Galileo this whole school bus of thought went off the road.
Still to this day, no one has found any terrestrial evidence of Earth's gallavanting ways. With all of the modern tools, there has still never been one scientific finding contrary to the appearance that Earth is a stationary platform.
The TRUTH about the Sun / Earth relationship lies between the old theory and the later one.
Despite the fact that
1) Earth is a rotating /orbiting body,
2) There is no forensic /terrestrial (non-astronomical) evidence of same.
Everybody BELIEVES that the Coriolis Effect is a long-since proven truth. But it isn't. It's more doctrine than science. More superstition that fact. A sick hypothesis resting on a sick premise (that space movement is like terrestrial movement).
* As discussed elsewhere on this site:
There are different Laws for Terrestrial motion and Space motion.
All terrestrial motion involves: force, matter & momentum.
Heavenly motion does not.
Just as a NASA space shuttle travels millions of miles after cutting its rockets (it's called the orbital insertion moment) , Earth and other planets move through space without the application of any Force.
No Force, No Momentum.
No momentum, no forensic evidence of motion.
Understand these facts.
Then go back and RE-READ the Coriolis "proofs".